About Wild Orange Publishing

Wild Orange Publishing is a small press publishing company that produces exceptional and unforgettable children’s books and merchandising.

Wild Orange Publishing champions outstanding storytellers and illustrators who nourish the spirit. By capitalising on the abundant talent available to Wild Orange Publishing, our storytelling embraces future-focused global thinking.

Our books showcase diverse multicultural and thought-provoking characters within stories that soothe and reassure children. They also offer welcoming insights into a demanding and fast moving world. With adult support, our stories assist children to become more aware and mindful.

The books achieve this through a hybrid of education and entertainment, and a philosophy that empowers young children to embrace their future, and not just their parents or text books or teacher’s concept of their future.

Wild Orange Publishing wishes to bring readers and storytellers together so its stories engage families and children across the world.

Jennifer Scott Mitchell is the principal of Wild Orange Publishing and trained in the film and television industries as an editor and post production supervisor and so Wild Orange also incorporates a filmic storytelling approach in its work. Jennifer later developed skills and experiences in commercialising IP and content within the creative industries including leading cross border teams in other publishing ventures.

Wild Orange Publishing offers its distinctive content via:

  • Publishing stories in books and explored through APPs
  • Creating essential merchandising that enhance children’s experiences
  • The development of other merchandise through transmedia narrative

All Wild Orange publications are produced in English, Chinese and French, with each book available either in a single language or bilingual.

Learn more about Wild Orange Publishing